A few people have reached out to me and ask me what I did different the month I got pregnant.
So, I thought it would be a good idea to write a post about the cycle that changed everything, and give some tips to get pregnant.
It’s difficult because I often used to read posts like this myself or I would watch peoples YouTube videos and try and implement all the things that they had done to get pregnant. That was my biggest issue… I was doing too much, I had zero chill.
So, my advice to you is that if something in here stands out to you and feels natural and unforced try and implement it – if it isn’t you then leave it. Doing everything that I have done is not a sure guarantee that you will fall pregnant as everyone is different.
While I’d love nothing more than to give you a magic formula or a secret recipe, the truth is that I can’t say for sure what worked. It could have been a combination of factors, or it could have just been my time. So, while I can’t promise you the map to the gold at the end of the rainbow, I can share what worked for me in the hope that it might help you too.
My husband and I had a 6-month break from trying, something that was very much needed to clear my mental space. I hear you gal ‘A break?? I can’t possibly have a break!! What if that is my month to get pregnant, the stars are aligned, and I miss my only shot.’ I have been there, these kind of thoughts used to rule my life.
You don’t need to make your break as long as mine, even having a month off will free you from the anchor of TTC. A month free of ovulation tests, free of counting how many days you are post ovulation (DPO), of symptom spotting and obsessing. Now tell me that doesn’t sound like a nice little holiday.
Ok, so let’s dive into what I implemented into my daily routine during my break which I do believe led to a positive test after what felt like an endless stream of negatives.
How to Navigate the Jungle of Supplements Without Losing your Mind- or your Wallet.
There are hundreds of vitamins, minerals, and supplements available on the market, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. It can be overwhelming to navigate through them all and figure out which ones are right for you. It doesn’t help that there are so many out there that promise to help with fertility.
I should really disclose my medical knowledge sits entirely within the field of non-existent, and the vitamins I suggest are ones based on my own research I seen online surrounding fertility and from reading other people’s success stories.
Firstly, Maca Root. I seen so many success stories on this vitamin from women who had tried for years with no success but then started taking maca root and fell pregnant, and the fact it has been used as a fertility aid for over 3,000 years gave me some hope.
It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, copper, manganese, and zinc, as well as vitamins B1, B2, C, and D. Many of the nutrients available in maca also support hormonal balance, which can lead to healthier eggs.
Other vitamins I took every day included CoQ10, some studies have shown that CoQ10 supplementation may improve egg quality, sperm quality, and pregnancy rates. Recent trials showed a
14-28% increase in clinical pregnancy among women using CoQ10 for fertility. Fish oil supplements are great also as they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been found to aid fertility by reducing inflammation, boosting ovulation and hormone production. I also took folic acid, vitamin C & D daily. It is important to remember that nothing is a quick fix and for vitamins to effect egg or sperm quality it takes three months.
Diet and exercise.
Ugh I know, what a thought! I feel like when I was trying before I kind of couldn’t be bothered with fitness because I had the attitude of ‘oh I’m away to get pregnant and put on weight so why bother’, or I was just feeling super blue with all the negative tests so couldn’t find the motivation.
Diet and exercise are important for fertility and TTC because they can help regulate hormones, improve egg and sperm quality, and increase the chances of conception. Studies have shown that regular exercise can increase pregnancy rates by up to twice as much compared to no exercise.
Look I don’t really need to do much to sell you this one, it isn’t really rocket science that exercise = good. It’s just trying to find the motivation, and if that’s an issue for you I completely understand, we are
singing from the exact same song sheet. But start with small steps, something small is better than nothing.
In simple terms, manifestation is the process of bringing your thoughts, feelings, and desires into reality. It’s a way of focusing your energy and attention on what you want to achieve, and then taking action to make it happen.
Are you at the point where you have tried everything? Tracking ovulation, daily body temperature checks, vitamins, healthy eating, exercise and your two litres of water? Well, why not try something new… what do you have to lose?
I have attached a work sheet for anyone new to manifestation, so you have a plan for how to write down your manifestations.
You know it is totally normal to feel silly at the start of this but try and put that aside. Have you ever heard people talking about how ‘thoughts become reality’? Well, it turns out there might be some truth to that!
I believe what you feel you attract and what you imagine you create, and according to some experts, taking just three minutes a day to meditate on what you want to achieve can help turn your thoughts into actions in the universe.
By focusing your energy and attention on your goals, you can attract positive outcomes and experiences into your life. So, if you’re looking to boost your fertility, why not give it a try? There is literally nothing to lose, and nobody is watching you, nobody can hear you so just give it a go gal!
Every morning, I was setting my timer to 3 minutes 15 seconds (just so I could get fully relaxed and get the full three minutes of mindful thinking), and I meditated on my goal – a baby.
Most importantly you need to stop focussing on what you don’t have, when you are pregnant you still must wait nine months for your baby to arrive, but you have a chill attitude because you know your baby is coming. This is the attitude you need to adopt to TTC, truly believe in the fact that your baby is on its way.
Reminder: Manifestation is only going to work if you genuinely believe in it.
Contact your health professional.
Joao and I had both been checked and everything came back positive, I mean we already have two children, so we knew we had it in us, but secondary fertility is a real thing and if you have been trying for over a year, I totally recommend going to your GP to start the process.
If all going to a specialist gives you is peace of mind, then that’s a win because let’s face it negative thoughts are powerful!
You know just before I got my positive test, I had finally got a letter with an appointment for us to go see a fertility clinic, it’s funny how things work out.
Final thoughts.
Remember every journey is different, and while I can’t give you the holy grail on how to get pregnant, and I can only share what worked for me. I do believe the universe gives you exactly what you need at the exact time you need it in your life.